What Shall We Do Now?

Backstage walks in Hoog Catherijne, – initiated by Annette Krauss and Maja Bekan in the framework of School of Temporalities

Annette Krauss and Maja Bekan invite you to a series of guided walks through Hoog Catherijne to get to know different times-zones and people who are involved in them. The guiding experts such as builders, cleaners, writers, security guards, philosophers will provide insights in their rhythms and relations to time.


A Ceiling, Ladders and Public Time (en)


Een Plafond, Ladders en Publieke Tijd (nl)

Balconies, Shop-Windows and Basements (en)

Balconies, Shop-Windows and Basements (se)

Balkons, Etalages en Kelders (nl)

Invisible Work – invisible Time (en)

Onzichtbaar Werk – Onzichtbare Tijd (nl)

Office Cultures (en)